Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Erector Set - Gazebo Style

Our Gazebo arrived last weekend, and last night we decided to start putting the base together. This this coming weekend we can get the spot where it will go all leveled up and hopefully start putting the rest of the pieces together. Now you'd think this would be a relatively easy project. Well most of our projects that is what we think in the beginning, so we'll see what this one brings as the building of it transpires....I made a little piece of art out of the center of the gazebo base, and we really didn't get much done this first day; Clayton got called at work to fix a problem and well it was about midnight when he was done.....So tonight we'll see how the rest of these pieces fit for the base

The gazebo was shipped as a set fully cut and ready to assemble. All the holes are predrilled and the main part of the gazebo is made of Cedar and well our garage smells wonderful right now.

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm-cedar. Oh, yeah. Good luck with that assembly required. I'm sure everyone has a (horror) story. We had my computer desk half put together before we realized we had part of it upside down. What you have done looks REALLY cool!
