Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Blizzard Came - I went to California

Just and update! I didn't get a chance to post pictures, but I sure have some to put up here. I am now in California, here for a week of work! I call it Hell Week as the proposal that I am working on is the most stressful one of all in all my five years of working there. So along with that comes not enough time in the day to keep up on the fun stuff in my life; like posting pictures and taking new ones. Check back at the end of the weekend, and hopefully Sunday I'll get some pictures of the snow up. Along with the snow pictures I'll have some of the weekend here in California, I went to the beach while visiting my best friend and her son. It had been raining all day on Saturday, but cleared and stopped raining just long enough for us to go down and enjoy the beach and get some fresh sea air and play with Ian who is just over 2 years old and LOVES the beach.


  1. Enjoy some sun and warm weather for all of us who are dealing with real winter! Best wishes with your Hell Week proposal.

  2. Hope your week went well and that you got to enjoy California a bit. Last week was crunch time for as I had a grant proposal due on Friday. Now that it is behind me, maybe I can focus on getting my holiday baking and shopping done.

    Look forward to seeing the photos of the big snow!
