This information was taken from the University's website "Schmeeckle Reserve is an interface between the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and the central Wisconsin community. The 275-acre natural area makes up 2/3 of the University campus. The Reserve was created to protect and restore native ecological communities, serve as an outdoor classroom for students and teachers, and provide recreational opportunities to all visitors."
The Green Circle Trail also goes through this area. I went for one reason, and that was to scout out the fall colors and see how much color there really was. This hike, .5 miles to the Lake (Lake Joanis) then 1 mile around the lake, then the .5 back plus a few side trips to cat-tails and a Mirror Loop...was just perfect as it was swarming with mosquitos's. I had to splash some repellant on...seems your fine as long as you keep moving and moving fast, they don't bother you, but stop for one moment to set up for a picture and ACK they are all over your face and between face and camera...not the most pleasant picture taking location, but sort of worth it, as it's quite beautiful there...

Lots of potential for a real show of color. It will be fun to see the treats autumn gives you with that variety of trees. Just don't inhale too many skeeters.