Today was a perfect day. We started by putting Sparky in a Kennel for the day; his first time ever in a kennel, and he did very well. He got to play and socialize with other dogs while Clayton and I got to spend the day at a wonderful and very large art show. This art show was held in three different area's in the City of Wausau; the first was called Art in the Park in Marathon Park, the second was Festival of Arts held in downtown Wausau and the third was Birds in Art presented at Woodson Art Museum. They offered a free shuttle service as well going back and forth between the three festival area's. Well in viewing all these artist's work, I got a little inspired and came up with some artsy pieces myself from the day....

in Marathon Park, they held a butterfly release event, in which you paid 1$ to receive a butterfly to release in a group (there was about 100 people releasing 100 butterflies) While my picture didn't show the butterflies very well, I helped by making them a little more they were so small in my photo. I felt really bad at first when they started handing out all the butterflies in small paper envelopment, the butterflies had wings together and could not move (who knows how long they were in this confined condition before being released. It did bring a smile to everyones face once they were all released. Andthinking about it, the butterflies could have done damage to their wings if there were held in more open bags or boxes, at least the envelope kept them from damaging their wings....well take a look, Oh and since I was more interesting in taking pictures rather than releasing the butterfly itself, Clayton gave my butterfly to a boy who didn't get one as they oversold and that little boy was sooooo happy!

Fun effects with your phototgraphy. I really like the two pics of the contrasting houses with dormer windows. It always amazes me how people can organize and produce such complicated events as the one you describe. Art work, shuttles, butterflies. Not everybody is zoned out in front of their big screen.