Clayton has been talking about starting a garden now for two months, and today, we finally got it started and planted. We used railroad ties for the frame, (these are heavy and moving just the three we used just about killed me) we decided it would be better to built up rather than dig down to plant the goods. We dug a few weekends ago to plant some flowers and well I think we dug up more rocks than we did plant flowers.

We ended up digging up some of the earth on the top side of the property and it took two trailer load full worth of dirt to fill in the frame. (see the trailer to the right of Clayton in the background in the picture above) Our dirt is rather sandy, and so we also got two large bags of pete-moss and added that to the dirt we dug up to add additional nutrients.

The garden since it is a little late in season only includes the following veggies: Four different types of tomatoes, three different types of bell peppers, one is a black bell pepper and the inside is supposed to be red; this one will be interesting to see and taste. We also got brussels sprouts and one basil plant. We did want a few other varieties, but since it's late, they were out of the others we wanted. That filled the bed up. We watered; now we wait.

I hope raccoons don't eat garden plants, and I also hope Sparky doesn't dig, pee or poop in there either.

I asked Clayton what he wanted to call his Garden and he said, "Operation Gnome" you know what that means...time to go shopping for some garden gnomes to have something watching over it.....
You guys have been busy! I weeded my little garden plot last weekend, but so far it remains bare. The weather has not been very good for planting anything the last few weeks.