Before we got the railroad ties moved from the front to the back yard, I was playing ball with Sparky. I went out to the yard to pick up his tennis ball and found that there was a slug on it. I thought, wow a slug, wouldn't that be interesting to photograph. So I did....

Then we moved the railroad ties, and Clayton saw this caterpillar on the fence and commented about how colorful it was with the blue spots and the orange...well we'd just moved two of the railroad ties and I needed to I rested by running in and grabbing the camera to take its picture.

Then while we were digging the dirt for our garden bin, Clayton noticed this inch worm. He was sort of spazzing out and the top part of his entire body would lift off the leaf and swing far to the right then back to the did that several times, but I liked this shot of him straight on...

Then this moth I think it is, seems a little fuzzy for a butterfly, well it landed and just stayed the entire time we I had to take it's picture too...interesting look with the thin brown stripe going through the wing.

So after we finished with digging the dirt, Clayton went to the store to buy the pete-moss and the veggies to plant. While he went shopping, I went back out for another little nature walk and came across a few other critters....This spider below, name unknown and hopefully not poisonous or deadly, because they are everywhere, was just sitting here on the leave. To the right of this one was two others and we've seen them everywhere, accept for in the far that is.

Nice close-ups of those critters. The caterpillar might be an armyworm. I have seen a serious invasion of them when they came enmass and stripped the vegetation down to sticks. It could be a carpet caterpillar--the kind that make big webby nests in trees--and strip the vegetation down to sticks. The big spider is just a Daddy-Longlegs--pretty harmless, but have been know to bite and leave a welt. It looks like you have a pretty healthy environment to support such a variety of life. Good luck with that dragonfly.
ReplyDeleteWhat a buggy day you had...=) Those are some amazing shots. Love the ladybug. Have never seen one with a spotted head before.