We had to stay inside blinds the entire time. We woke up about 3:30 and left on our way at 4AM. Got there and with flashlights and forehead lights we walked about 1/2 mile in the dark to the blink area. It wasn't really that dark as we had clear sky and most of the moon shining down. One of the guys who I went with is a very serious and professional photographer and had made a motion detecting camera and brought his own blind so his 8 to 10 inch lens could fit through an opening. He had a 500MM lens with a tele-converter on. I was impressed but when I picked up his tripod with camera on it; the weight would kill me; it was very heavy, and the desire to have one quickly went away. Don't get me wrong, I still want a new and more powerful zoom lens, just not that big. Might settle for the 400MM or even 300 with t tele-converter.
So here are a few of my best shots...These were taken just as the sun was rising. I did take a video with my camera's as well, but I'm not sure how to reduce the file size and get that posted. I'll play and see if I can get it up here soon.

Wow! Nothing wrong with YOUR photos! I love the color of those boomers. Our sage hens are not as bright but they do gather, dance and boom.