You may or may not know this but today was the last day of ‘Gun’ hunting season for Deer. Anyhow sadly to say the booms have been plenty around here, especially on Thanksgiving day morning. (makes me wonder just how many were killed) While out walking Sparky that morning, I actually saw three hunters in their blinds and walking along a field wearing bright orange, it’s hard to miss them. However, I’ve been keeping an eye out for the three baby deer and Mom, that hung around all summer long. This morning I saw them just a few more hours to survive the guns; I'm pretty sure I saw four; I know for sure I saw three so happy to see. Well on Thanksgiving day morning they were all seeking safety in our 10 acres (I think this 10 acre lot is the safest place for them to be) Even though they are not bucks, hunters are still allowed to shoot doe. I took a picture of this little one and then scouted around and saw two others laying nearby and then another one nibbling on the remaining leaves on the sticks (which used to be our berry bushes) it really amazed me that they were just laying pretty much out in the open during the day, they stayed here All day long, or at least morning till early afternoon. Seems like there are still plenty of deer around even though I've seen plenty dead and bloody hooked to the backs of trucks, SUV's and in trailers, but I’m hoping my four deer survive. I might have to start feeding them once the snow covers up all their remaining food. I’m such a softy. I feel so bad when they get shot, then feel bad again when food is sparse and they cannot find enough to eat. Catch 22; but they sure are fun and so cute to watch.
I'm so glad to see your little group of deer survived hunting season! That baby is precious!! I would much rather "shoot" them through the lens of a camera these days! We have a group of deer here that just reappeared in the hay fields after a long hunting season. They are usually very smart and seek the safety of the hay fields where the hunters are not allowed to shoot them! I think you will enjoy watching your group through the winter as well.....=)
ReplyDeleteThe photo of your baby is a beauty. I've never seen a faun at restin the wild. Animals that are hunted seem to quickly learn where the safe spots are. I'm glad your friends survived the carnage.