OK, so I've got this thing about wanting to take pictures of insects. Since I'm surrounded by probably millions of them, thought they'd make a great subject and in the meantime maybe I'd learn something about them. Well my attempts till now have been very unsatisfying, but at the same time very motivational. I'm going to rent the macro lens I want to buy since it's back ordered or out of stock everywhere to see how it compares to what I'm able to produce now...so I'll be posting other macro shots soon when I get the rental so we can compare. In researching Marco photography, I'm thinking I may also need to purchase additional items, such as Macro flashes and even magnifying filters...we'll see what I end up with...for now, thinking just the lens will do.
Here is a bug that is freaking me out, and I have no idea what it is, but it looks pretty scary. Also this wasp is eating a spider or some other little bug maybe another one of these freaky things. It's super small too, wish I could have some type of measurement so it's true size could be correctly imagined.

I attempted to photograph several different insects this evening, but these two turned out the best....a bit challenging but fun at the same time....In viewing others work on the internet, there are some fantastic images created using Macro Lenses and hopefully I too, someday soon, will be able to capture some that way.
Pretty amazing! Kinda too close for comfort but fascinating anyway. Good luck with getting that lens. Looks like you will really put it to work. Got no clue on the strange little insect. (Is it related to that flying squirrel?) ;)
ReplyDeleteOkay, that first bug is rather creepy looking! Have fun with the macro lens.