Yes we are still working on the Boccie Ball court area and even built a very cool score board. Clayton built it last weekend the colored balls are wooden beads and you just slide them across the bar they are on. It works great! And adds a bit a color out there.

The second picture is the beginning of our landscaping around the gazebo area. I photoshopped the benches and plants in so it looks more colorful and you can imagine another seating area other than inside the gazebo itself. (we need to buy some patio and gazebo furniture soon) All those rocks came from the property. Clayton went out with the ATV and trailer and hauled them all over. I'll be planting a lot of impatiens on either side of the gazebo door and in pots around like I have them here. I will also put some daffodils around all the rocks too outside the walkways. And then some hasta's up against the court walls. It's really going to be a nice place to unwind, or read or nap once we are done.

We've got something else planned for out here as well, (besides a deck on the other side of the court, that is in outline stages right now......but the other idea we have will be a surprise for later blogs.
We got sore working today, we just got out of the Jacuzzi tub; man that always makes us feel better.
We got sore working today, we just got out of the Jacuzzi tub; man that always makes us feel better.