We bought ourselves an ATV for our 5 Year Anniversary and for play and hauling fallen trees to cut up as fire wood. We took yesterday off from work to make a three day weekend and celebrate. We spent all day breaking in trails throughout the property and hacking away the berry bushes that were in the way. Along the way we found wild flowers blooming, little tiny purple/blue with yellow and green centers. You'll see a picture of it in the slide show. We had so much fun. The ATV we got is a 2008 Honda, Rancher. It's a 4 X 4 too. Clayton is just like a little kid again when he's driving this thing, spinning out in corners spitting up dirt and loosing the basket off the back...hahaha that is funny! I took a series of shots of him coming up the trail and at first you will see the basket is on the back just fine, then slowly you see it start to get loose, my flannel falls out then the basket is dangling off the back. Starting from image 5056 to 5064 when you see that file number show up watch the basket along the way. Too funny!
Click Here to a link to the slide show to see us both in action. Oh and by the way, the Alpha Beta basket is on there to haul his chain saw in :-)

It was a beautiful day, started with Thunder and Lightening and Rain, then turned into a gorgeous sunny 81 degree day. I have not experienced Thunder and Lightening like this before. The show in the morning was one thing, but what happened in the middle of the night was a totally different show. About three hours of intense bright flashing lights, I even saw some of the bolts they lit up the entire sky and in turn lit up the entire living room, the loft and the master bath, and then the roaring thunder...it was so incredible, I can't wait for the next one. Sparky didn't like it too much though, but after two hours of shaking I think he finally passed out from exhaustion and went to sleep.
I woke Clayton up, he was sleeping through it all, and I kept on saying...is this normal, I mean the lightening was happening every 2-3 seconds non stop? His reply was this is mild compared to some mid west thunder storms, he said when they get bad is when the thunder Cracks and Booms so loud your house shakes.