Sunday, March 22, 2009
Finches Oh My!

Spark's Great Escape....and safe return
I was so mad at him; the entire time I was out there I’m balling my eyes out thinking he was going to freeze to death tonight! You should see my legs though; berry bushes have stickers and I’ve got scratches all over my legs; I ran out after him wearing sweat pants luckily I had my warm boots on.
And I had mud all over my shoes, other stickers attached to my sweatshirt and sweat pants and wet feet; Sparky was as clean as a whistle accept for one thorn which was not even inserted in his body, just stuck to his fur…..
Darn Dog!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Our first week in our new house.
We arrived on Monday March 9th, I had been following Clayton the entire trip and when we got to our road Clayton kept driving past. But I knew to turn there and so I ended up being first at our driveway. I stopped in the road; the driveway had not been plowed and it appeared to have about a foot of snow on it. (oh and by the way I never did mention that Clayton and I had walkie talkies and we talked to each other all along the way. I recommend getting these for anyone who travels with others in separate cars that are going to stay close by while driving; they were really great to have) and so while I was stopped there looking up the driveway and all the snow on it I keyed up and asked Clayton if I should just plow through it, he’s all ‘Yes of course, over’, so I attempted to, I thought the gentle approach would be fine but didn’t get very far at all. I backed out and moved forward on the street so Clayton could get his truck up to the garage. And of course he made it without much trouble at all. He basically gunned it with tires spinning but he got the momentum needed to reach the garage. So I backed up and thought to myself well at least now it will be easier for me, as I have a set of tracks to follow. I did manage to get about half way up before my tires started spinning out and yeppers, I got stuck. (my mom’s voice inside my head I heard, you should by a bag of kitty litter, that is what they use out there when they get stuck in the snow) Well we didn’t buy any kitty litter and they didn’t have any just laying about in the garage. So we ended up putting two welcome door mats in the fronts of my tires hoping they would grab a hold and get unstuck. Clayton got in and gunned it and my tires just spun and spun and the car didn’t move. But it did move backwards just slightly enough to end up about a foot away from a tree truck. Clayton calls me over, get in he says, I’ll push from the back and when I push you gun it. We rocked it back and forth a bit, my tires spun and I started to spell rubber burning into the ice (if that is even possible, well I spelt something) Then he told me to get out and he got in and I went to the back and started to push and push and I pushed till the front of the car started to pivit to the right. I thought well we can just push the car sideways ha, that didn’t really work, but the pivoting to the right was sort of a good idea. While the back end slightly moved closer to the tree truck the front end kept moving to the right, we ended up pivoting the entire front end of the car so it was pointing down the driveway. We were free from the ice that bound us. Clayton continued to drive down the drive way to the road again, and backed up, revved up and this time he got enough momentum and speed that he made it to the garage while tires still spun mind you. Ok note to self, Listen to mom, buy some kitty litter before next winter arrives……so in the meantime we had let Sparky in the house unattended to roam and sniff and check it out on his own. Guess what we found when we finally got the cars safely parked inside the garage…yep his first poopy accident on the hard wood floor…..
Tuesday, March 10th.
Well, our second day in Wisconsin we decided we needed some food in the house so we left Sparky in the house while we went to the grocery store. Well the poor dog, Since February 24th he had been taken away from his own house (his comfy beds and couches that he was so familiar with) that is when we started staying at my mom’s while the hard wood floors were resurfaced in the San Jose house. Then after four different hotel room stays he’s stuck inside an unfamiliar house with nothing inside and we leave him alone for a couple hours. The dog has developed a strong disliking to be left alone! While we were out shopping, Sparky was freaking in the house, when we arrived home I heard his howling, barking and he really didn’t seem happy we left him. I opened the door and down on the floor I see a wood piece. We thought maybe he got bored and chewed on the dining room table, but after closer inspection he tried to gnaw his way out of the house. Then once inside the house I smelt something funny; later to find another pile of poop left up in our bedroom floor then also found a puddle of pee on the hardwood floor where he had pooped the first time. Sparky was not happy we left him and we were not happy with Sparky!!!!!
Tuesday evening comes around and I decide to take Sparky for his evening walk. We ended up going down to the end of the road where there is a farm and the farm has cows, lots of cows. Sparky for sure loves the snow, loves the woods and loves all these new smells. Well we approached the farm, and all the cows where all lined up three or four rows deep next to the barn where they are fed which just so happens to be right next to the road. Sparky and I stopped to watch, then we watched them, the cows stop to watch us. I think I said hello to them, “hello little cows” I said…..Then I see one of the cows jump up on another cow and I think wow, he’s going to mate with the other cow, cool? But as it turns out that is not what he was doing, he wanted to get away from us. We were really doing nothing, but had stopped we weren’t even walking or moving and Sparky even sat down on the road, but that cow wanted to get further away from us and jumping over the cow in front of him was his only choice. I thought to myself as half of the cows started to move away from us they seemed to move forward and around the barn, that they seemed a bit skittish of us. Then soon after they realized there was nowhere for them to go that direction, the entire heard started running back towards us…crap we created a stampede. Literally they all were running along the single lane dirt road within their farm just wide enough for three or four cows to be side by side. They ran so fast that they could not turn the corner. I felt horrible, the cows on the edge were running into to barbed wire fence, then as more rushed past, the fence actually broke. Not just one post, but two posts were knocked over. Slowly Sparky and I turned and headed back. Within the kraal that the fence broke on five cows ended up away from the rest of the heard. They ran to the end of it, but that meant that Sparky and I had to pass them again. I really can’t believe how scared they were of us just walking past. But as we reached the end of the kraal, they freaked out again and the five of them ran past us back to the others. Luckily the fence that had broken was still within the enclosed farm. At one point before the big guy ran back he stopped and looked at his, I swear he looked mean, dairy cows aren’t mean are they?
Wednesday arrives and so does our trailer with all our belongings! I watched from the window inside the house as Clayton went out to meet our driver. Clayton pulled his truck out to the road and parked it so that trailer could be dropped off in front of the garage and that his truck would not be blocked in. The truck and driver slowly backed in and at about that same point my car spun out and got suck this trucks tires spun too and could not be backed up any further. We had a great driver though; he was a persistent man with a mission to get the trailer up as far as possible so that when we brought down the ramp to unload our stuff it ended right at the edge of the garage. The man must have tried over a dozen times to back it up, each time spinning out before reaching the spot where we wanted him. And then finally he stops, got out and asks us, “do you have any kitty litter“ (ha! just kidding he actually asked for sand) but we didn’t have any of that either, we left a bucket full of sand at the San Jose house thinking we wouldn’t need it little did we know how useful it would have been to have. Finally he pulls out one last time and down to the road again and this time got enough momentum and got it right where we wanted it. And so Clayton and I were happy, our truck arrived safe and sound but wouldn’t you know it had to be on the coldest/windiest days of the week and just after I caught a cold. We managed though to unload everything to our Bed that first day, only leaving the heavy furniture to unload on Thursday. Clayton hadn’t really been sleeping too well in the little double sized bed we have in the spare bedroom, just not big enough for a man, a woman and their dog. We managed to get the king sized bed, box springs and frame up to the loft by the end of the day on Wednesday and all three of us slept the best night sleep since our journey begun.
Thursday and Friday came and went and we finished unloading pretty earlier on Thursday, then we started unpacking and we unpacked all day on Friday, Saturday and even again on Sunday. We also decided to chisel Ice! We had like 4 inches or more built up on our driveway and it was really sort of fun to chip away at it. We also managed to clear our deck as it had over a foot of snow with ice underneath as well. By the end of the weekend, the house was pretty much unpacked, however we still have a few things to do like hang pictures. While these two pictures are of the deck area, it shows about as much snow that was originally on the driveway when we arrived give or take an inch as a few days had gone by since I took them.

Over the weekend however, we decided we needed to go shopping again, needed more food and to get some other items. So instead of keeping Sparky in the house to destroy again, we put him in the kennel out in the garage. I put his dog house inside with a nice blanket inside of that so he'd stay warm and cozy and I put his two favorite pillows on the other side, in case he didn’t want to be in the dark. We hadn’t bought a dog door yet so he didn’t have access to the outside portion, but I took him for a walk before we left to make sure he didn’t have to pee and or poop while we were gone. Well when we got back, this is what he had done to his pillows!!!! Can you say green pillow batting……Sparky is such a little trouble maker!!!!!

A funny Story
Monday, March 16, 2009
We have arrived...to our new Home!
I will update either later today or tomorrow for sure and tell all about what's been going on and there is lots to tell :-)
Sunday, March 8, 2009
We Made it to Wisconsin but not home yet
This picture below is a basic image of what Nebraska looks like everywhere. Not much, not many trees, but I should say there were plenty of little lakes and ponds along the way filled with all sort of birds. Birds flew over head consistently and i got a few nice images which follow:

Nebraska wasn't too exciting ACCEPT for the birds!!!! I swear I got so excited seeing so many birds. Cranes were everywhere, snow geese and ducks too.

When we left the hotel this morning it was 7 degrees out, the road was icy but we did ok on it. then we drove through some pretty thick fog for about an hour; then it got nice. We did drive through a bit of rain, just real light rain though and a few area's of snow but not much.

I'm tired tonight so i will have to update with more details later, but wanted to get at least this much posted. We will probably not have access to the Internet now until Friday, but I might try to see if we can get an earlier install day.
Weather tomorrow looks good we only have three hours (150 miles) to go till we are home. We might get snow on Tuesday which will be awesome; when I'm home I'll love the snow hahaha
Oh did I happen to mention Sparky LOVES the snow!!!!!!! Wait till I take some pictures of him frolicking through the snow. He really is so cute.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
It's going to be a four day trip.....
Well this morning was super nice, it was 27 degrees out and Sunny and Sparky was so excited when walking around the hotel we stayed at in Salt Lake City. He sure loves new scents! After Sparky's morning walk and poop; we headed out on the road again and the day looked as it it would be great the whole day through.
Salt Lake City is actually quite beautiful with the city butted up again that giant mountain range.
We headed East on 80, over the mountain we went, and then the terrain turned into the same thing almost as Nevada only a few more reddish colored mountains and cool rock formations. Wyoming sort of similar, it all blends together; seems to me Eastern Utah and Wyoming look pretty much the same for the most part.
Wyoming is train county; I can't believe how many trains we saw.
We hit snow in Cheyenne Wyoming over the last mountain range before the Nebraska border then again an hour or so into Nebraska. We ended up stopping in North Platte, Nebraska due to thicker snow fall and it was starting to get dark.
Sparky is doing great in the car. I can't believe how well he stays still and doesn't get fussy, even hours later. He loves to look out the window though and fights his sleepy eyes. When he does finally try to lay down he half ways does it with this front paws perched on jackets I've placed next to the window so his head could stay up high enough to see out the window. He loves each stop we make; he always eager to get out of the car and start smelling he even sometimes pees.
Unfortunately I did not take any pictures in Nebraska yet; accept for the car in the parking lot below, but I will tomorrow morning. It's pretty flat though and nothing to interesting but I'll see if I can find something nice to photograph along the way.
So we have been at the hotel now for over 2 hours and it's still snowing; here is a picture of my car; the dark blue one covered in an inch or so of snow....
Friday, March 6, 2009
12 Hours to Salt Lake City

Then when we entered the Utah border it was starting to get dark so I was not able to take more pictures of the Salt Lake area.
Sparky was a great traveler for so many hours, but I think his legs got exhasted from the sitting position; he started to shake (and not from the cold) he actually panted from the heat as I had my heater on he is sleeping like a baby now and so is Clayton...well Clayton is sawing some ZZZzzzz's which is what I'm about to do right now....oh I hear a train tooting it's horn I love that sound.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
The Day Before the long Three Day Drive...or will it be Four?
And even though it rained the majority of the time; we really didn't get that wet.
Tomorrow morning by 7am we hope to head off in an easterly direction. Our plan is to follow 80 all the way across the Country. Our first stop if all goes well with be Salt Lake City.
Since I'm so tired; tonight's entry is short. Stay tuned for daily progress :-)But below are two pictures; the first is our garage with the majority of our household items. (we had moved everything to the garage in order to have our hardwood floors refinished...which look marvelous by the way) and the other picture is of the truck that we packed everything into.
But before I sign off for tonight; I just want to say a BIG Thank You to my Mom for having us stay over during the days our floors were refinished and the remaining days after while we packed and got ready for the move. The dinners were awesome, thanks mom for all you do for us!